Emerging Themes
International Association of Catholic Missiologists
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The following themes were delineated during the plenary session on group discussions:

  1. Dialogue
  2. The Contextualization of the local church
  3. Interculturality
  4. Globalization
  5. Inculturation in the local churches
  6. Gender issues & evangelization
  7. Accompanying emergent theologies
  8. Inculturation in time of globalization
  9. Evangelization in big cities
  10. Mission in conflict situations
  11. Theological missionary formation
  12. Mission ad gentes in European context
  13. Mission and new areopagus
  14. Mission and human mobility\migration
  15. The need for inter-cultural missionary spirituality
  16. Toward one vision of salvation history of creation
  17. A missionary language for dialogue with the sciences
  18. Christian image
  19. The human being in his situation
  20. Mission frontiers
  21. A clear meeting criteria for inculturation
  22. Popular religiosity: benefits & dangers
  23. Priority of human experience of God
  24. Healing and reconciliation
  25. Prayer and healing – cure – caring
  26. Ecumenism & macro ecumenical dialogue
The Assembly summarized the above themes and identified the following as the three Core Elements that should be prioritized in the future: 

I.    In the midst of the challenges of the globalized world we are called to rethink missiology in terms of: the growing urban centers, situations of conflict, de-Christianized groups, secularism, migration, stigmatization of a particular group. 

II.   To rethink missiology as we confront the urgent needs of the Indigenous peoples who have been denied (among them; women, Africans, Afro-Americans, Indo-Americans, etc.) as well as the human diversity: new protagonists, new languages, new areópagus, popular religiosity, gender, etc. 

III. To determine what Church we want to be and to build: inculturated, local, without frontiers, in ecumenical and macro-ecumenical dialogue with other religions and with science, and enlarge “mission ad gentes”.

Recapitulation Program Papers Plenary Group Reports Emerging Themes Business Session