Group Reports
International Association of Catholic Missiologists
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Each group was requested to present at the plenary session, three points from their discussion. The groups considered the three principal areas of research or reflection that should be prioritized in the future. 


September 30

Group I (Spanish)

  1. Start with the contextualization of the Church and the theologies open to macro-ecumenism.

  2. Open ourselves to the new theological languages with interdisciplinary cooperation, keeping in mind that all of human history, the achievements and failures, are Salvation History.

  3. Strengthen the area of mediations, for example, mobilizing peoples, being present in the public arena, the university, culture, communication media, the cities that transform diverse aspects of cultures, the world of science and art. etc.

Group II  (Spanish)

  1. Look to overcome a framework that is purely religious within the Church and respond to the need to return our focus to the human as the manifestation of Salvation History.

  2. Allow the Church to be inculturated from within the cultures of the local churches that have been born within the diversity of identities.

  3. To dialogue using new theological languages from human life and creation and from there, enrich doctrine, dogmas and mission itself.

Group II  (English)

  1. Inculturation and Local Churches.

  2. Missiological response to globalization.

  3. Mission ad gentes in the European context.

Group III  (Spanish)

  1. To dialogue and share with other cultures our experiences of faith.

  2. To dialogue and share the religious experiences of other peoples.

  3. From the perspective of the Christian faith, to reconnect with human life and the sciences.

(The theme of gender runs through all three areas: this is understood to include both male and female).

Group IV (Spanish)

1.      Decide which is the image of God we want to announce.

2.      Decide which Ecclesiologies are in play.

3.      Advance the reflections about evangelization in the large cities.

Group VI (English)

  1. The importance of visual language- images, feelings, stories, etc.

  2.  Mission-orientated/centric theological formation.

  3. A church accompanying and serving the people.


October 1, 2004

Group 1 (Spanish)

  1. To insist in the contextualization of: the Local Church, theology, liturgy, etc.

  2. To discover the new theological languages or meta languages beyond the rituals or folklore in order to arrive at meta languages as instruments of inculturation.

  3. The intercultural and the diversity as a challenge to mission.

  4. To maintain alive the memory of the past, present and future.

Group II (English)

  1. Mission in conflict situations:

  2. Prayer – healing – reconciliation

  3. Healing- purification of memories

  4. Popular Religiosity: Benefits and dangers

  5. Meaning of missionary/activity and pseudo missionaries.

Group III (Spanish)

  1. To continue the reflection and the construction of the ecclesiology of the Vatican II that has led us to discover the local church incarnated in the local culture.

  2. To support, sustain and drive forward the theological reflection and pastoral praxis contextualized from the perspective of the Paschal Mystery of Christ.

  3. To enrich the theological reflection and the missionary praxis from the perspective of gender.

Group IV (English)

1. Priority to the practice of dialogue with cultures: 

a) we need the necessary freedom,

b) from a dialogical church.

2. The Christian as bridge builder

            - multi-lingual

            - pluri-cultural

            - multi-religious personality

Group VII (Spanish)

  1. To strengthen the task of theology from the different protagonists and with their own languages.

  2. To acknowledge the areas of legitimate differences both in theory and in practice using intercultural and inter-religious dialogue as the media.

  3. To promote the solidarity of the emerging theological voices, creating networks.

Group VIII (Spanish)

  1. Intercultural dialogue (encounter of cultures).

  2. New Christian imaging (signs, symbols, icons, etc.)

  3. To establish clear criteria for authentic inculturation in the future: liturgy, catechetics, proclamation, etc.

Recapitulation Program Papers Plenary Group Reports Emerging Themes Business Session