Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Mission Studies

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Mission, marketplace and making tents:

For many years I have been involved in all of the above areas of Christian activity. For the past two or three years I have worked especially on the relationships between them, especially the links between the tentmaking movement and the marketplace movement.

This paper explores the roots of both marketplace and tentmaking movements and then examines the common theological and missiological themes. Which comes first? What effect does this have on the way we train people for tentmaking mission? What is the relationship of each movement to mission trends, especially mission to western culture? How does this affect the way we "do church" in our own country and the way we equip people for a climate in which we now call Aotearoa/New Zealand a mission field?

Derek Christensen

Asian Studies Celtic Khans and Kiwis Lingo Marketplace Missionary Nature Motivation Post-Aquarian Principal Agent Second Generation


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